Dress code is formal. We would recommend a suit for men, and a floor-length gown or formal cocktail dress for women.
However, please dress in a way that makes you feel most comfortable and beautiful.
Our wedding will be styled in light blue, burgundy red, cream and gold.
Where is the wedding taking place?
The ceremony will be held at the St Peter ad Vincula in Tollard Royal, and the reception will follow at the Larmer Tree gardens.
What time should guests arrive?
Guests are encouraged to arrive at 1:15 pm on Monday 19th May, at least 15 minutes before the ceremony starts.
How can we let you know if we are coming and our food choices?
If you select the RSVP option and type in your name, it should automatically let you and your party RSVP and let us know about your food choices.
I have a food intolerance and/or allergy, how can I let you know?
There is a section within the RSVP questionnaire where you can let us know.
Dress code
Naše svatba bude ve formálním stylu. Doporučujeme proto oblek pro muže a dlouhé nebo koktejlové šaty pro ženy.
Nicméně prosím oblečte se tak, abyste se cítili dobře a pohodlně.
Naše svatba bude laděna do světle modré, vínově červené, krémové a zlaté.
Jak je to s ubytováním?
Hosté z České republiky mají ubytování zajištěné. Pro více informací, prosím kontaktujte Katku na 731 495 709.